
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Final Countdown

I'm 30 weeks pregnant and my baby is the size of a fruit. Probably. I don't know, I never read those fruit update things. They're weird and confusing. The bump under my shirt is roughly the size of a volleyball, if that helps.

At my appointment yesterday, I was up a total of 16 pounds. It was the first week Dr. G. didn't say anything about my weight. He may have just forgotten or didn't look. Or maybe he realized it was my birthday last week, so I obviously overindulged in cake. And ice cream. And breakfast food. And more cake. Baby's heartbeat is still in the 150s, and my belly measured 29 cm (so 1 cm small). He was sure this time the baby was transverse still, so I guess my "too much ab definition" didn't last long.

I'm definitely feeling big. And pretty blah. I can't imagine that my skin is going to stretch much more or that my back can handle anymore front weight. There's no way this kid is going to DOUBLE in size in the next few weeks. But it's what they tell me. And by "they" I mean the people that think your baby goes from the size of a pomegranate to the size of a banana in a week. Those aren't even comparable! What kind of shape-shifter do they think is inside of me right now?!

Remember when I said I hoped to have everything done by 30 weeks? Nursery finished, baby stuff purchased, bags packed, etc.? Yeah...none of that has happened. We still have nothing. Instead, we've been spending all our time and money putting in a bathroom downstairs. So...I hope you like your cardboard box bed, kid! Mama's getting a rain shower!

My husband is officially freaked out by my belly button. It's technically still "in," but it's pretty flat. Another big meal or two and it'll pop. Bobby thinks it looks like a cat's butthole, and he doesn't like to look at it. I can't actually see it unless I pull on the skin, which makes him even more uncomfortable. I try to warn him that this is not the worst thing he's going to see my body do during this pregnancy...

We did take a tour of our hospital birth center yesterday after my appointment. It was really weird because they literally had zero patients. Like, I expected us to be interrupting their day, but they had no babies in the nursery, no one delivering, no one recovering. So it was nice that we got to see everything and we didn't feel like huge nuisances. But it was so quiet, and we really didn't have any questions (probably should have--but I was kind of unprepared. Shocked? I know, me too).

Dr. G. keeps telling me I'm too easy of a patient because I never come with a long list of questions. I guess I don't have many. I have all of you! Plus this pregnancy has been fairly straightforward. He asked me what I want to know about labor, but honestly, what I want to know, he can't really tell me. I want to know if I'm going to freak out or handle it well. I want to know if I can do it unmedicated. I want to know how bad it hurts. I want to know if my baby is going to be breech. I want to know if I'm going to have to have a C-section.

He did tell me I'll get an IV right away when I check in, which doesn't make me too happy, but it sounds like it's non-negotiable. He's also super pro-epidural. I wouldn't say I'm anti-epidural, I just know I don't want it the moment I walk in. I hate the idea of being stuck to the bed and being numb. I hate the idea of a needle in my back. I have so many back problems already, I'm a little protective of doing painful things to it!

Once I figured out the difference between Braxton-Hicks contractions and normal baby movement, I realized I was having BHs a lot. Mostly when I work out or do a lot of walking, but also anytime during the day. Dr. G. asked if I'd had any contractions, and when I told him just the BH, he said "Good to know, but you don't get any credit for those." I guess he's not worried.

So Bobby and I have reached a good compromise about his reading all the baby books I want him to. Since I can't do much to help with the bathroom, in the evenings while he's working on it, I sit and read the books to him. Apparently he didn't know there was a "third stage" of labor, and that I had to deliver the placenta. ("Wait...after you cut the cord, where does it go? Isn't it just hanging out of you?") After I read him the rest and he learned this new information, I tried to kindly remind him that this was why I wanted him to read the books in the first place. So he would know what needed to happen.

Of course, he likes to be snarky sometimes, so he said, "Yeah, it's a good thing that I'm going to be the one that knows what's going on. I'm sure the doctor and nurses will all turn to leave after the baby's out, and then I'll be like, 'Hey wait guys, we need to deliver the placenta!' And they'll be so grateful that I'm here to remind them what to do."

I pulled up my shirt and showed him my ugly belly button.


  1. I'm thinking I like your approach! Just take it as it comes :) Maybe you worry less not knowing every single thing ahead of time. Less time to stress!

    1. My doc asked if we were taking any birth classes. I was embarrassed to tell him no, but he said that was fine. A lot of times they just cause stress. He said trust the nurses and him and they'd get us through the next 10 weeks plus labor and delivery. Works for me!

  2. I unfollowed a blogger, as she did a series of updates with herself holding a fruit to represent the baby's size, but I'm still following you. 16 lbs at 30 weeks is AWESOME!

    1. Glad you're still here! I don't understand why EVERY app and book uses fruits. Hello, "a tangerine" is not a standard unit of measurement!

  3. Ha ha this made me chuckle (as did Jane's comment *note to self no fruit/baby pictures* lol). I like the fruit references right now because they are mostly round, little fruits comparable to an 11 week fetus, but a banana, a carrot, a rutabaga, WTF? I don't like belly buttons to begin with so I am going to be horrified with the changes mine go through. Good luck with the bathroom vs. nursery reno stuff! Why do us preggos decide to reno while we are waiting to welcome a new person into the household...

    1. I was going through one of those stages where I was finding it hard to follow pregnant bloggers, and decided that the fruits had to go!

    2. We apparently like to test the strength of our marriage. We're already having a baby and going to totally change our lives...why not go for broke and take on remodel!? We may as well put Ikea furniture together to complete the trifecta.

  4. 1. 16 pounds at 30 weeks? Go jump in a lake. FFS.
    2. I will now no longer be able to look at my navel without thinking of a cat's butthole. Thank you, Bobby.
    3. You have to deliver the placenta?!?! J/K

    1. 1. I really don't know what I'm supposed to be gaining for weight. My doc seems disappointed if I put on any weight between appts, but he hasn't really given me a guideline.
      2. Sorry.
      3. Right? I'm not actually sure he was aware of the existence of a placenta. He actually thought baby's umbilical cord was attached to the inside of my bellybutton... Maybe we should have signed up for some prenatal classes...

  5. I'm just catching up! That's funny that Bobby can't look at your belly button without being grossed out, and that you use it against him! Haha! I think that it's pretty cool that you are reading the books to him. That's better than him reading them himself because you can have dialog about it. But then, I suppose sometimes that dialog turns snarky.... You crack me up!
